Detroit Versus Detroit

Kinja'd!!! "Josh Welton" (watchtheprettylight)
01/30/2017 at 08:55 • Filed to: detroit, brown dog welding, dodge, scat pack, hellcat, stolen, crime

Kinja'd!!!171 Kinja'd!!! 100


“If you could commit a crime and getaway with it, would you?”

In Detroit that’s not just a !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , it’s a way of life. A thought experiment allowed to breathe. Justice as a social fabrication has been deconstructed in the city that would still elect King Kwame if given the chance. Sorry, Plato, virtue is for suckers. !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! car thefts in the Car Theft Capital of America result in an arrest. Crime pays.


Vicious. Violent. Corrupt. Old Detroit will not go gently into the good night.

A quick glance from the outside would show !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! making America’s largest municipal bankruptcy a diminishing object in its rearview mirror. Numbers allude to an improving and diversifying economy, the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . We have a competent mayor and the current members of city council aren’t creating !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! while hiding !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! and/or !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! from city contractors . . . as far as we can tell. The bar is set pretty low for local politicians, but let’s crawl before we run. There’s a police chief !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! on rooting out deep-seeded corruption in his ranks. There are billionaires pouring money into old buildings and new projects. Instead of “ruin porn” we’re getting a !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! showing The District’s growth. In the place of buying houses for a dollar, you can now buy a Midtown loft for $700k. Brands want to associate with Detroit. Some brands only exist because of Detroit.

Detroit is the New Black. Made in Detroit. Detroit Hustles Harder. Say Nice Things about Detroit. Imported from Detroit. Nothing Stops Detroit. Detroit versus Everybody.


If a metropolis could be rebuilt on catchy marketing slogans, the Motor City would already be, for better or worse, the Next Brooklyn. Instead, Detroit is still the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! .

The story I started writing after my !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! was born of anger.

It’s 5 AM on a Thursday morning; I head out the doors of our place at Research Lofts. The “luxury” lofts are housed in an old brass machining facility; a solid brick building with a grass covered lawn for the dogs and asphalt lot for the cars. The property is completely fenced in with large steel gates. The secure off-street parking was a big selling point when we moved here a year ago, not easy to find in Detroit.

Walking out, I don’t see my Challenger. Wait, didn’t I park . . . there . . . where there’s a pile of broken glass in place of my car. Shit.

This sucks. A neighbor’s Ford Explorer was yanked too, the second time in a month for them. Two other cars were broken into. Jerks had a productive night.

Within a couple of blocks from us there are five police departments: Detroit Police, Wayne StatePolice, Wayne County Sheriff, Michigan State Police, and Henry Ford Hospital Police Authority.

I file a report with DPD, which in hindsight was a mistake. Undermanned, corrupt, and their “we could give a shit” meter typically pegged into the red, they don’t show up to an auto theft !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . Eventually we realized that Wayne State’s officers were the ones to talk to, but that wasn’t until after the second car vanished.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

In the days that followed I was outspoken about the Detroit Police Department being involved with the theft. Had my reasons. The next week, !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! from different precincts were suspended for connections to vehicle theft-related scams around the city. A post I published on Facebook regarding the situation received comments like “you better watch your back” and “they’re going to kill you.”

Now I was pissed but had more of a sense of righteous indignation than fear.

The FBI asked to talk to me, as did a State detective. When DPD’s Officer Taylor called to tell me they’d recovered my Scat Pack Shaker - minus wheels and tires, plus some bumper damage - he told me if I used “their” shop they’d waive my deductible and add an alarm. As if that didn’t raise a bright enough red flag, when my car showed up (late, after “truck issues”) to the shop of my choosing it was COMPLETELY, professionally, stripped. Don’t use our shop? Well, you’ll get back a little less of your car.


So many people in our community share a similar story. Friends in local media were interested as my experience matched up with an investigation they performed last spring on a number of thefts with the same modus operandi. Included in part of !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! from early in 2016 is a video of a SUV getting stripped, then loaded onto a flatbed. The victim said the police then called to inform her it was recovered. All before she knew it was gone. Then came “if you use our shop . . .” Most people don’t know any better. Down here it’s hard to get any insurance at all, let alone one without a crazy deductible. A lot of people bite on the scam.

As word spread of this first incident, it was incredible how many friends, acquaintances, and coworkers came out of the woodwork to relay their Detroit stories. If you know someone that’s spent any real amount of time in the city and has not been personally hurt or had a close friend touched by a violent crime or property loss, buy a lottery ticket. Just about everyone can relate in one way or another.

“Man, my work van got broken into the night we moved here.”

“I have three friends whose cars were stolen in the last two years. One of them, twice.”

“I saw a dude get run over by a car. Looked to be by an off-duty cop. Hell no I’m not reporting that.”

I could keep going.

One kid spoke of the push and pull Detroit has on everyone who loves the city.

“My family grew up in southwest Detroit. My dad was an activist, always pushing for civil rights and justice and political change and wanted so badly to see the city turn the corner. After 40 years he gave up. His soul was finally crushed. He moved to the suburbs.”


“Dude, as your friend, as someone who spent his first 30 years in the city, get the hell out. You tried. It’s not changing. You gave it a shot, nobody will fault you for leaving.”

But it was never about trying. There was no delusion of grandeur. Local writers love putting the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! on any Detroit 2.0 entrepreneur who comes down to town to work, from pie bakers to bicycle shop owners, whether they ask for it or not. This wasn’t about turning the city around. I’m a millwright, a welder. An artist. I learned my trade in the city, became an artist in the city. Detroit is the Industrial Mecca of the world. There is a creative freedom here you will be hard pressed to find anywhere else. I only wanted to be part of it.

“That’s just Detroit.” Over and over and over this garbage line is repeated. One guy had the balls to tell me that I shouldn’t talk about the incident on social media because “you’re being negative; outside of the city people already think bad enough of Detroit, this stuff happens everywhere.” The rationale of “it happens everywhere” just doesn’t hold water. Bad things happen to !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! you will not find anywhere else in America. Keeping quiet does no good. Sweep my problem under the rug and let the next naive dude who thinks, “man, Detroit is fixed !” get his wheels swiped? Nah. If people either accept this shit or leave, how are things ever going to change?


My friends at Dodge and SRT were kind enough to drop off a 392 Challenger press car to drive while I dealt with insurance (another story for another time) for my stolen Scat Pack. It wasn’t in my brain yet that vehicle theft is still so bad in Detroit. I had believed the headlines touting major headway against the criminal element, especially in this regard.

Within a week it was gone, taken from a spot inside the gated lot, under a light post, right outside my living room window. More than a few people told me it was a message as much as a theft: “Shut up and get out.”


The following week was my !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , and despite their car gone missing, the Dodge/SRT crew still gave me the keys to a !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! for the journey from Detroit to Vegas and back. I just made sure it was only in Detroit-city-proper long enough to pack and unpack. Now I had two weeks away from the city, away from this mess.

After SEMA it’s back to the real world. Fast-forward to Thanksgiving. Early Black Friday I received a message: “There’s been a break-in.”

I lease a shop space at !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , a small business incubator/collaborative work project situated in Corktown, “Detroit’s Oldest Neighborhood.”

My shop was gone.


Pretty much all of it. In a building housing a bunch of start-up businesses, including blacksmiths and woodworkers, thieves went around to the far back corner of the place, kicked in a door, and concentrated on wiping me out. Welders, a plasma cutter, saws, and an entire toolbox full of top of the line equipment I’ve spent 15 years collecting. Dynabrade die grinders, full metric and standard wrench and socketsets, machinist’s blocks, my beloved hammers, drawers of Channellocks and Vice Grips. Full size argon bottle, you can’t buy them anymore. Boxes of 2% thoriated tungsten. On and on and on. Some stuff, I’ll never get back at any price. Gone. The only other resident to have items stolen was Phil Cooley, who owns Ponyride. Some of his equipment was mixed in with my stuff. Phil has spun through the ringer himself while he and his family have been the major factor in !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . They’ve been robbed, threatened, and more. He’s been at it over a decade. He’s a better man than I.

Having the cars stolen and stripped sucked. (Both were found dropped in the street at about the same location, missing the same parts). Yeah the ’16 392 was a press car, but I feel responsible, it was under my care. Maybe a stolen car is a write off for a giant car manufacturer, but I know the people who had to deal with the situation and it’s a headache not to be wished upon anyone. My !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! with the intent of keeping it forever. Uniquely optioned. Had a lifetime comprehensive warranty. I expected to get it back just needing wheels replaced after hearing from Officer Taylor. Officer Taylor . . . oh, yeah. According to the FBI, he doesn’t exist and the number he gave me didn’t get them anywhere. Then again the FBI told me that they don’t believe this car theft ring is that well-organized. Right. In the last 3 months they’ve taken my two Challengers, an ex-cop’s Charger, a brand new Ford Escape, and the Explorer all from Research Loft’s lot. Forget about this last week’s thefts of a !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! and Mobsteel’s !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! .

If you’re wondering why so much of this (dealership theft aside) isn’t in the news, here’s a quick anecdote to sum it up: Back in December a gentleman from L.A. flew in to town to look for a place to live. He was moving to Detroit, had a nice car, and knew of our city’s rep for auto thievery. The “luxury” loft he was looking at had a “secure” lot, but he asked, John, the man showing him the loft, point blank:

“Have you had any car theft issues here?”

John replied with a straight face: “No.”

L.A. guy didn’t know this, but he was flat out lied to. Once he moved here he was surprised to find out his new digs had had been victimized 5 times from the fall of ’16 until now.

Real estate prices have escalated rapidly since we started looking back in 2013-14. In some cases new high-end lofts and renovated houses in the neighborhoods around downtown have double or even tripled in value. Developers and property owners want to cash in on the“comeback,” but who in their right mind is going to pay top dollar when they’re aware of the truth? That in a city of fewer than 700,000 people, !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! a day are stolen. To put that number in perspective, !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! has about 20 cars stolen a day, with twelve times the population. A Midwest city close to the same size, Columbus, Ohio, has over 100k more people than Detroit with less than a third of the car thefts. A smaller industrial city (just under half the population compared to Detroit) that was hit hard by recession, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has less than 2 cars a day stolen.

I ran into a friend of mine, a gentleman who has invested an incredible amount of time and money into projects that are even just now coming to light, at a fundraiser for Ponyride the night my car was recovered. The atmosphere was enthusiastic, but while we were discussing the theft he looked at me and nodded towards the high roller crowd:

“All these people, the ones that are putting money into these projects and businesses . . . none of them actually live here. They might own a loft or an apartment in the city, but they live in the suburbs.”

In 1992 a Detroit journalist literally invented the term “ !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! ,” which is what happens when an asshole tries to steal your car with you in it, usually at gunpoint. Police Chief James Craig, shortly after he himself moved here from Los Angeles 2013, was lamenting “the good people” of Detroit running red lights on a consistent basis. Then someone tried to !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! in his police cruiser at a red light, and he realized “the good people” of Detroit were blasting through lights to lower the chance of getting carjacked. As someone who worked in the city for 7 years, who has driven in and out of Detroit most every day since 2002, you learn to be aware of your surroundings. Never get boxed in. Don’t stop for gas. Roll through red lights. Keep a piece ready.

Carjackings are down to one a day for the last three years . . . which, credit where credit is due, is a HUGE improvement over the 4 a day in 2008, or the 2 a day in 2013. For what it’s worth, the night my Challenger was stolen I drove up Trumbull from my shop in Corktown to our loft in Woodbridge at about 10:30pm . Earlier in the day, in broad daylight, a !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! was shot multiple times during a carjacking. So it could have been worse.

Days into 2017 and carjackings and attempted carjackings are so prevalent in our neighborhood that the Wayne State Police set up a hotline where, between the hours of 12am and 5am , you call them ahead of time and they’ll escort you to your home. In Detroit it’s not as simple as “ !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , it’s just a car.” Too many times !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! even after giving up possession of their vehicle.

Which leads to another staggering statistic: !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . That number has been at least that high every year since 2010. It’s the most of any city in the country and 10 times the national average. A third of those cases result in an arrest. Boston is about the same size, population-wise, as Detroit. There were 38 homicides total in 2015. 75% were cleared by the police. Los Angeles, with 3.8 million people, had 16 less homicides than Detroit in 2015.

I’ve defended this city for years to friends and family and followers who thought my wife and I were nuts for wanting to live here. We held a real belief in too much positive momentum; nothing could derail this train to reclaim glory. I’d preach the gospel to anyone who would listen. Ten years ago when I worked in the city? No way . . . there wasn’t many good reason to believe a step forward was imminent, let alone sustainable. !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . Investors bought land and sat on it because dealing with the government was impossible and labor costs weren’t worth the return. But now? Man, we were excited to finally be near downtown and part of the upswing.

And we, my wife Darla and I, didn’t want to leave. Not after the first theft. Not even after the second.

The shop, however, is a nightmare. Tens of thousands of dollars in equipment that I shared my blood, sweat, and tears with, that I built Brown Dog Welding with, that helped shape me as much as my sculptures. If having your car stolen feels like a personal violation, multiply that by 100.

Then there’s the video. Yeah, the crime is on a video that I can’t seem to wrestle away from the DPD. I was asked to watch it to see if I recognized any of the three crooks. I didn’t. What a gut punch, watching these thugs take their time loading a white Ram with the contents of my shop.

The same week my shop was robbed, Wayne State University’s Officer Collin Rose !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! while on duty, just a mile or so south of where we live. This especially hit hard as Darla had just opened a dialogue with WSU’s police force about our car theft problem, and they were incredibly kind and attentive; that is to say they were the polar opposite of our DPD precinct.

Officer Rose died the day before Thanksgiving. A 29-year-old canine cop who often helped stray dogs connect with rescues, the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . He was !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! when he was shot. The cop killer, two months later, remains at large. At Officer Rose’s candlelight prayer vigil in the Woodbridge neighborhood, attended by over 200 people, Darla was asked to lead the processional while !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! .” Officer Rose’s family, many members of the law enforcement community, and fellow neighbors joined in. It was a memorial, but also a stand that the people who live here will not be intimidated by Detroit’s violent criminals.


I did the walk, on crutches, actually. But I am intimidated by Detroit’s bad guys and girls. Unfortunately it feels as though those criminals have been emboldened; if anything crime in our neighborhood has increased.

Feel free to throw out the fixes, but you need money to fix things. !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! are the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . There’s physically just flat out !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! to take care of (for some reason this fact, of all things, is controversial). Law enforcement is !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! at best and !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! at worse. Basic services like road maintenance, trash removal, !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , and public transportation - things you take for granted elsewhere - are either piss poor or non-existent. When you’re the only city in American history to lose a !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! in population, and when !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! of those remaining actually pay taxes, what the hell are you going to do about it? Governments are not altruistic. Contrary to popular belief, basic services aren’t a right. They need to be paid for.

Any place in Detroit where you see those services furnished at anything above “abysmal,” they’re paid for separate of taxes. Dan Gilbert has a !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! and helps to subsidize the infrastructure around his buildings downtown. Indian Village has their own security and trash removal. !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! to keep an eye on customers’ cars. Some native Detroiters think New Detroit gets special treatment and “it’s not fair.” No, what’s not fair is businesses needing things like !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , where they basically pay police to patrol their shops and gas stations and fast food joints; where they pay DPD above and beyond their required taxes just to do the job their taxes should already cover. Sounds almost like a protection fee you’d pay the mafia, yeah?

Tell me I’m not being fair. Well, life’s not fucking fair, is it?

This piece is not something I wanted to write, and probably it’ll just be something for a few people to argue over, because that’s what people do when discussing Detroit. I can’t imagine it’ll do much good. But man, it’s really difficult to read story after story about this incredible revival while experiencing something pretty different. It’s difficult watching more and more folks moving into our neighborhood, excited to be part of Detroit, without a full grasp of what that entails. It’s frustrating and heartbreaking to witness families struggle to survive the city, who for one reason or another can’t leave, who get lost in the political, criminal, and economic disaster that is Detroit.

I stopped looking for a replacement for the Challenger after the fifth car was stolen from our lot. I’ll drive the beater for now. There’s not really a choice to make, Detroit made it for us. As soon as we’re able, we are out. I’ve never felt so powerless. If not for my wife I’d pry be waiting in the back of a bait car (yeah, I know, why can’t the Feds do this?) with an assault rifle. And I’d pry catch someone in the act. And I’d pry kill them or die trying.

And in Detroit, whoever survives will get away with murder.



Kinja'd!!! themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 09:04


I used to be part of a car club on the east side. The #1 rule - NEVER. EVER. EVER. EVER own a honda anywhere near Detroit. And if you do? you damn well need a covered garage.

.....And then the evos and subarus started getting yanked

....And then the Audis

....And then no one was safe.

Motorcycles, pickup trucks, projects, and more were all routinely found, stripped, burned, and with the DPD sitting on their thumbs the whole time because no one was bleeding so it wasn’t a big enough problem.

It’s just not worth it some days. I moved west to Grand Rapids and though there are plenty of days I miss Detroit, it would take but a single “Detroit” day to make me want to leave again. I remember I was supposed to be attending a new year’s party in Detroit in 2014/2015. The party advertised “lighted, secured parking”. The single flickering street lamp was of little confidence and the “security” guy seemed to be taking a bribe from people of ill repute. Turns out I didn’t really want to party that night anyways.....Which sucks because the city is both much better than its reputation but somehow wore than it too. These next few years are going to be trying for the city and its people.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles
01/30/2017 at 09:13


Yup. Everything you said.

Didn’t realize it was that bad for the tuner stuff, but with the numbers that get stolen it’s pretty much everything. I spent a month trying to figure out what car I could get that won’t get lifted. Nothing domestic for sure. Started looking at euro stuff but when we talked to the FBI they basically said “if it’s nice you’ll be targeted for a carjack.” Thought about disguising a srt10 ram, but no truck is safe. I’ll just wait to move and get what I want.

Kinja'd!!! CB > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 09:19


Jeez. 45 people per 100,000? That’s absolute lunacy. When you can’t even safely stop at a red light, it sounds like it’s time to move. I know it’s not that simple of a solution, but it makes me wonder what it would take to bring Detroit back up.

And I’m sorry to hear about... well, all of it, really. Sounds like a really messed up situation.

Kinja'd!!! phenotyp > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 09:43


Goddamn. What a gut punch.

Kinja'd!!! HFV has no HFV. But somehow has 2 motorcycles > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 09:48


Honestly this sounds like Dedrtoit is one step away from some Escape From New York shit. I didn’t plan on moving to, or ever visiting Detroit, but now I sure as hell am stating away. I’m perfectly happy in my quiet Midwest town, which still sees its share of crime, even murder, but nothing on that scale.

And it sure as hell sounds like the Police are involved in the car theft. I don’t buy this “its not a violent crime so is not important” bull, no they have to be intentionally not investigating these crimes.

Kinja'd!!! RyanFrew > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 09:49


Awful story, brilliantly written. Hope to see this land on the FP. Thanks for sharing. Sorry all this shit keeps happening.

Kinja'd!!! kmac720 > themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles
01/30/2017 at 09:50


Anyone that posted a honda or acura on xceedspeed back in the day, the typical first reply to the post was, “in before posted in the stolen forum.”

The fact that a Detroit forum literally had a stolen section...

Kinja'd!!! TorqueToYield > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 09:53


There are so many great cities in the US that are doing really well the past 10-15 years, all across the country - there’s no reason to put up with that bullshit unless you’re really tied to Detroit.

Shit, Newark is bad but not that bad. At least it’s not the cops stealing your ish.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 09:54


That’s the issue. Detroit’s “revival” is all downtown, via properties owned by Gilbert and the Ilitches.

Nobody gives a shit about the neighborhoods.

Kinja'd!!! Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 09:54


This is real writing. We need detroit.jalopnik to come back.

Kinja'd!!! Milky > kmac720
01/30/2017 at 09:56


Holy shit, I forgot about xceedspeed.

Kinja'd!!! themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles > kmac720
01/30/2017 at 09:57


When they started to have thieves in the forums, casing events and literally using them to make shopping lists, it got way too uncomfortable for me.

Kinja'd!!! themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles > Milky
01/30/2017 at 09:58


And your life is better for it.

Kinja'd!!! fintail > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 09:59


Better than anything FP has posted in years - not that the bar is very high. Crazy read.

I’d be so tempted to “accidentally” leave a car with a dangerous destructive issue sitting in the driveway, maybe even“accidentally” leave keys in it.

Kinja'd!!! themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 10:01


I used to own a beater 1997 chevrolet monte carlo that I beat the thieves to the punch with. I stripped the interior myself. No carpets, no back seat, no passenger seat, and a minimal amount of radio. Full HVAC was still in there but it also had the 3100 instead of the 3800. Made a hell of an autocrosser.

That thing lasted 5 years in flint (take detroit, multiply it by 5) and I would have to pay someone to steal it.

Kinja'd!!! for Michigan > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 10:01


This is disheartening.

Kinja'd!!! AkursedX > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 10:03


I worked in Federal Law Enforcement in Detroit from ‘04-’14 and my wife was an Registered-Nurse at Detroit-Receiving. We saw enough of the worst the city to know that it has a long, long way to go before you can say that Detroit is a ‘revitalized city’.

I’m sorry to hear about your misfortunes, and while it feels like defeat, getting out will be for the best. You’ll miss it (I know I still do), but when you move to a place where getting gas doesn’t require you to have your head on a swivel just trying not to be a victim of some crime or another, it becomes quite clear that you made the right decision (especially if you have kids eventually).

Oh, and fuck thieves. I can’t fucking stand them.

Kinja'd!!! adamftw > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 10:05


This post needs more traction. Not just on Jalopnik, but everywhere.

Great story. Shitty circumstances. Sorry about all your losses man. If you can afford it, check out moving to BK or Queens.

Kinja'd!!! for Michigan > HFV has no HFV. But somehow has 2 motorcycles
01/30/2017 at 10:06


The frustrating part is that when Detroit is good, it’s great, but when it’s bad, it’ll kill you.

Kinja'd!!! Milky > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 10:09


Well shit. As a Detroiter I’ll be sad to see a good fellow resident go. Enjoyed the few times I saw your truck on the way to recycle here.

This is besides the point but fuck, where you live needs a better lot. That is clearly not “secure” by definition. Obviously my 6 (7?) years here, have been picturesque on the Detroit scale.

Wish you the best of luck.

Kinja'd!!! TP-J > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 10:10



Reading this hit me right in the feels. Having been the victim of car theft and also my family being in business in the outskirts of detroit for many many years its sickening to think this is reality. My Honda was stolen and found around John Kronk and Livernois only to hear from the tow yard owner it was one of many they received that week, the worst part being they stole it from the suburbs and took it down there. Completely stripped and left for dead like they’ve done it a thousand times. Even at our yard with high fences and barb wire nothing is safe, our shop was broken into regularly until people got smart and took their tools home every night, cages on the windows, padlocks, cameras, nothing will stop them. People are in disbelief things like this happen when they only see downtown and the “revival” but, the harsh truth being its still a very real thing people have to deal with. I’m sorry that you have been treated that you have had to go through this and hope your next journey only leads to a positive outcome.

Kinja'd!!! yamahog > Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo
01/30/2017 at 10:14


Aaron Foley still writes, you know.

Kinja'd!!! Milky > themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles
01/30/2017 at 10:16


I feel you. May I present my old car that I sold to someone on xceedspeed for $500.

Parked it everywhere in Detroit, my friends called it “ghettoflage”. Just look at that interior.

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 10:21


Sounds like South Africa in the 90's, all my friends wonder why when I’m sitting at a light I have my foot on the clutch and the car in gear. It’s a habit formed so that you could pull away immediately if someone tried to hijack you, after 10pm all red lights become yield signs for the same reasons.


This is an anti-theft device you can get in South Africa, it’s called a gear lock. When it’s installed it’s bolted directly to the car’s transmission tunnel and then you lock it in gear.

Kinja'd!!! Sir_Stig: and toxic masculinity ruins the party again. > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 10:23


How has this not been FP’d yet? Sorry to hear about your car and shop, that must feel awful.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > Milky
01/30/2017 at 10:25



Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > jimz
01/30/2017 at 10:28


But it’s not just the neighborhoods. I get what they’re trying to do, and don’t disagree: concentrate resources, start in middle and work out. The problem is that even downturn, corktown, midtown...the crime numbers are still staggering. Shit, look at the coney shooting last week.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.
01/30/2017 at 10:30


Thanks, I’ve seen these! Darla keeps two clubs on truck, just something to slow them down or make them think twice. But if they want something they’ll get it. Most cars aren’t even started, they’re pushed onto a flatbed.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 10:31


well, it really comes down to the neighborhoods. Downtown is ringed with blight. I don’t think people shelling out for lofts in Midtown are stealing each others’ cars...

Kinja'd!!! TheRealBicycleBuck > themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles
01/30/2017 at 10:36


I knew a guy who lived in Texas and ran a manufacturing plant in Mexico. He drove a 1970-something piece of junk across the border every day. It was the only way he could keep his transportation from being stolen.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > jimz
01/30/2017 at 10:38


No, you’re right. But even downtown there are still plenty of places to hide and criminals are still actively brazen, though they might be HQ’d in Brightmoore.

I know what you’re saying, though.

Kinja'd!!! Milky > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 10:39


You are living #MoparOrNoCar

Kinja'd!!! ASRoff > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 10:59


Well Josh, I had hoped for the best for the “Dirty D” but I guess that the folks are still like Ferrets on speed.... they can’t leave a shiny object alone for a second... Growing up my folks had rental property’s in Detroit.... just before the real estate crash..... my folks cashed out... all the houses east of telegraph were sold.... we were tired of radios stolen out of our cars and trucks, as well as tools going missing as soon as you headed into a house for a repair.... I remember one night I was at a wedding for a family friend... I came home on leave just for the wedding....I was dressed in my Navy Blues. I parked in front of the Michigan state police building..... went in for an hour came out to my 1990 supercharged 5-speed cougar xr-7........ window smashed and stereo removed.... one year my father went thru 5 circular saws.... we learned quickly to keep 2 sets of tools.... the cheap ones went into detroit... the good ones stayed home.... we also became really good at measurements....... we would measure what was needed (piece of trim or drywall go back home... cut it with the good tools and then go back the next day to finish the repair.... also mowing the lawns.... you brought the weed eater and the mower.... you stopped at the house... did what you had to do without ever letting  the mower or weedeater leave your hand for a second.... then load up and head to the next house on the list for the day.... we always bought “stripper” work trucks... i my high school ride was a 1985 ranger that had 3 options.. v6 and auto trans and long bed.... it had an am radio.......... AN AM RADIO!

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 11:00


Helps slow them down though, harder to pull a car onto a flat bed when all 4 wheels are locked up. Then again if the police are complicit in the robberies, there is not much you can do.

Kinja'd!!! Stapleface > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 11:06


I knew (or thought I did) that Detroit was bad, but I had no idea. This was a powerful read.

I feel bad bad for you about your shop. As you said, a lot of that stuff you just can’t replace. I can’t get over how rampant the crime is, and nothing can be done. I understand your feeling of wanting to just take an assault rifle and camp out in a bait car. Where’s the hope that the crime will turn around? There really doesn’t seem to be any.

Kinja'd!!! Nothing > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 11:08


I have a friend here in Colorado that’s from Detriot. Back in 2005, I was offered a decent paying contract gig in Detroit. It was a 10 year contract, unheard of (at least by me) in the IT world. My buddy said, hell no, don’t go there.

When I turned it down, they offered back at a 20% increase in salary, pay for an apartment to live in, as well as return flights to CO every weekend. I was tempted, my buddy still told me not to do it. I had a few other people telling me to steer clear. Obviously, I never went, but I would have if I didn’t have more than one person saying no way.

It’s sad, shocking, and eye opening to read your post. I remember when you first bought the Challenger, as I had been debating a similar purchase (although in Sublime Green) at about the same time. So sorry to hear of the personal struggles you’ve had with thieves. Also, great writing. This was an excellent piece.

Kinja'd!!! Canadian > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 11:30


I am sorry to hear about you shop and cars.

I lived downtown on Woodward and John R (Woodward Lofts) from 2006-12. In that time, every single friend of mine that visited had there car broken into one time or another. Forgot to lock my door one night and woke up with some random crack head eating a bowl a cereal in my kitchen. Kicked him out with bowl in hand with out an issue. However, I noticed my car keys and wallet were missing after he left. Found the guy a few blocks away and got my stuff back. Funny part, he took my change bin filled with Canadian coins.. :)

Also, meet some really interesting people while living there. Kenny the homeless photog who lived by the river. You would see him everyone or mostly any of the bars downtown. Haven’t seen him in years, hope he is well.

My window faced Woodward, so watching the Friday and Saturday night after bar activities was always interesting. There was a number of nights with well over 10 cop cars at my corner controlling the crowds. You could always tell when someone pulled a gun, when the masses start running in every direction.

Since this is about cars.. I had 2 cars stolen in that 6 year time frame. First was my ITR that was stolen in front of the old Comet Bar in 2008. Next was my RHD hatch stolen from MCC south in 2011. My hatch was stolen a couple of days after an Xceedspeed BBQ by, I am guessing, the same people who took my ITR. A lot of people had Honda’s stolen in that time frame, oh well, insurance was very kind to me. I replaced the Hatch with a RHD ITR, HA! Thankfully I was able to move out of state before it was stolen.

It was fun living downtown at the time. It was empty after 6pm, smoking in bars, dirty empty buildings to explore... good times.

Kinja'd!!! carzcarzcarz > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 12:02


Holy crap, thanks for the article, it really opened my eyes as to how bad it really has gotten there. You hear news blurbs, but nothing to this extent. Best of luck

Texas is a lot warmer, in climate and in people, if you ever think of moving.

Kinja'd!!! Xedicon > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 12:05


Horrible what you’ve been through, but I’m really glad to see you posting again. For a while there I was worried that something might have happened to you! I know it sounds silly, wondering about a random dude on the internet but as a fellow fab guy (you’re way more talented than me - just to be clear, haha!) I can’t help but feel that connection due to a love of all things metalwork.

Nobody can steal your talents and you’re extremely talented at that! You’ll land on your feet for sure no matter where you choose to go!

Kinja'd!!! 190octane > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 12:06


I have a lot of thoughts on this but I’m not going to post them all now because I’m on my phone at work and I know I’ll get kinjaed in the middle of it.

The first thing I will say is that no matter the circumstances, people are responsible for their own actions.

It’s easy to say that all the people doing these crimes are just thugs or inherently evil. I do believe there are people out there that are just sadistic and evil and they are probably born that way. I think it’s important as a society to ask ourselves why people feel the need to resort to these actions. Why does someone value human life so little that they are willing to kill another human over a car?

I think who we are as people is mainly shaped by our experiences in life. If you grow up in an average suburb, never hungry and always with a stable roof over your head, and with positive reinforcement from your parents and teachers, you’re going to be a lot less likely to turn to a life of crime and chance spending the rest of your life in prison. Someone who grows up surrounded by people with no hope, not sure if they’re going to be able to eat that day, no positive encouragement, and no expectations probably isn’t going to be much of a success in life... or the road to success is going to be a lot longer and more difficult to travel.

We as a society need to end this two tiered society and there are no easy answers... but things aren’t going to change as long as a whole group of people feel like they aren’t valued by society as a whole. What kind of message do we send to people when Flint still doesn’t have drinking water that won’t poison them?

It’s going to take a lot of money and a complete attitude change by the country as a whole before these problems are solved. That isn’t going to happen until people are empathetic towards other people’s problems and actually try and understand instead of looking at it the easy way and just saying that these people are thugs and born this way.

With the election of trump I’m not holding my breath on these changes happening anytime soon.

I want to clarify that’s I’m not saying you are like this, I’m saying it’s a societal problem.

Kinja'd!!! WalkingContridiction > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 12:17


Fuck. It’s legitimately heartbreaking to read this.

Although I’m not a native and nor have I been a long term resident of the area (save for a summer stay in Madison Heights while I interned in Troy) I’ve always appreciated and respected Detroit. Mostly because I could sympathize with the strong blue collar backbone of the city, and the fact that despite how truly awful things have gotten there are still native Detroiters that will fight for it for as long as they live and never give up on the city.

In a weird way it felt a little like the Upper Peninsula where I grew up. Where it’s abundantly clear that its best days are LONG GONE and the jobs, economy, businesses, etc. will never really come back and be as strong as it was. But I’ve always felt an intense pride in the Upper Peninsula. That despite the fact that nobody really takes it seriously (I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen it not included on a fuckin map or labeled as part of Wisconsin)and that it’s never going to be what it was I love it because it’s full of honest, hardworking, resilient, people and there’s a shit load of beautiful serene places there. Even when some idiot makes fun of my slightly Canadian accent (I don’t say “Eh” though god damn it) I’ve always maintained that there’s no place else I would have rather grown up.

I interned for a summer in Troy back in 2002 and my brother moved to Detroit (well the burbs) 2 years ago for a job with a Demolition and Abatement Company so I have a reason to visit again. After I moved away from Grand Rapids and Michigan in general after college I never really had a reason to go back to Detroit, so it had probably been 12 years since I spent any time there. The relative turn around as I’ve seen it is pretty amazing in places like Midtown, the upcoming Arena District, and Corktown. But as you said that’s “New Detroit” and there’s still a post-apocalyptic Wasteland surrounding them.

I’ve honestly thought that if I ever decided to strike out on my own and go freelance for furniture that I would consider making Detroit my home for it. The entrepreneurial spirit there is definitely undeniable, and they idea that you could make something out of nothing is intoxicating. But reading shit like this makes me rethink it. Protecting your home and your vehicle shouldn’t be a full time job, or like being a cast member of the Walking Dead. I don’t blame you or anyone else who moves on. I’m sorry that you’ve gone through all of this after you’ve invested so much in the city. It sucks that it truly does have that much farther to go.

Kinja'd!!! Soitseems > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 12:43


Detroit is not the most dangerous city in America, St. Louis is, you don’t even have your facts straight.

I’m sorry, is Detroit the only city on the planet where somebody’s car got jacked? Oh boo hoo, the city must be so awful to you now, get a fucking grip.

Kinja'd!!! Chariotoflove > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 12:48


This is the Detroit I remember whenever I came in contact with it (lived in Ann Arbor for 9 years), right down to the blasting through stops. Friends told me it had changed. I’m sorry to see from your story it hasn’t that much, but not really surprised. It takes decades for a city to recover, and the people who live there have to buy in.

Kinja'd!!! StndIbnz, Drives a MSRT8 > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 12:49


I remember your post on FB when your Challenger got stolen, interesting to hear the follow up and events since. It really sucks. I’ve been lucky enough that every time I go down to Detroit nothing ever happens, be it Downtown, Midtown, Corktown or whatever. Hell, was just down there yesterday. I love going to the city, but there is something nice about coming home to the Burbs and not worrying about anything like this. My uncle lives down by Wayne State and loves it, we’ll see how long the honeymoon lasts.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > Soitseems
01/30/2017 at 12:58


it’s not a competition, dude.

Kinja'd!!! Josh > Soitseems
01/30/2017 at 14:21


No it’s not a competition, but if it was, Detroit wins. 500 more car thefts per 100k/year, 2014 was the only year in the last decade that St. Louis has had as many murders per 100k. 15k violent crimes a year in Detroit to 6k for the Gateway city. In volume and per capita Detroit wins, but admittedly crime stats aren’t 100% reliable. So how about this, I’ve had two cars and my shop wiped out in 3 months. Personal experience, Detroit is bad.

St. Louis sucks too, I won’t argue that.

Kinja'd!!! Yowen - not necessarily not spaghetti and meatballs > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 14:33


Awww man! This is so very hard to read and so very sad to hear. I remember when you first popped on my radar on Opposite Lock, I’ve since had some time off, but I’ve started actively reading again and participating here and there. Anyway, I’m sorry Detroit has been such a shit-sandwich for you. It’s amazing how much of this is swept under the rug and how much of this just isn’t in the forefront anymore.

Detroit re-branded itself as a cautionary success story too soon? It’s like they did a new paint job on a lemon and resold it at a high interest rate. To put it in car-terms.

I live on the west side of the state (Grand Rapids, stolen cars are frequently recovered, and not as frequently stolen, if you’d like to stay in the state). We often visit Detroit though, because that’s where my dad is from and I feel a connection to Detroit because of that and because I am a massive fan of cars and the city that gave the world cars is a city I want to visit!

I’ve always said that I wouldn’t mind moving to Detroit, but I am back to minding again! I do still truly hope that the corruption and crime can eventually be rooted out. But I still see the outlying neighborhoods, I still hear about the crime and I am now reminded again that this problem is deep-seeded and persistent and it may take decades before it’s down to nationwide levels. Hell it’d probably be great if they could be at double the nation’s average in some of the categories you mentioned.

I hope you land on your feet and get back to your craft, a craft you truly are a master of. And some day may you drive the car of your dreams once again. Without fear of theft or worse.

Kinja'd!!! Yowen - not necessarily not spaghetti and meatballs > HFV has no HFV. But somehow has 2 motorcycles
01/30/2017 at 14:49


I regularly visit Detroit and I’m fine in the downtown-core with my car parked in a Casino ramp. It’s still a great city. But with some very glaring flaws, that these days are overshadowed by the “say good things about Detroit” movement. I was always a fan of quitting all the negative things like “murder capital” or “sorry we missed you” (surrounded in bullet holes), and I still am. But we do need more hard hitting articles like this to make a big and real stink!

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > 190octane
01/30/2017 at 14:58


Struggling over what I was and was not going to tackle in this piece is one reason I spent so long on it. Like my wife said, too often the kids doing the dirty work look at it as an opportunity, not a crime. They can justify it, telling themselves “insurance will cover it” or just not caring about anything but their survival. Generations growing up in this environment, not easily shaken. Worst truancy rate in the country, worse scores in the country, and rife with administrative corruption, Detroit Public Schools are nothing short of a disaster. A tax base that’s lost 60% of its population. They’ve also lost an insane amount of industry to the suburbs.

I think Chief James is the first head of police that hasn’t been the subject of massive corruption probes in decades. Half our last city council either ended up in jail or quit before they had the chance. Kwame was just the shining example of what’s been a terribly crooked government for years. I heard someone say “you can have an inept governent. You can have a corrupt government. But you can’t have both.” Detroit had had both for so long.

I purposefully stayed away from race and sociopolitical angles. It would have absolutely not had the intended effect. It would have just given people an excuse to stand behind their ideology instead of looking at what actually is, what Detroit actually is. Careers have been made trying to sort out why and how Detroit became Detroit, and not all of them agree. At this point that’s not my focus.

Kinja'd!!! 190octane > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 15:30


I thought what you wrote was great... the point I was trying to make is that in order to truly fix the problems, in Detroit and other situations, it’s going to require a complete shift of perspective from a large part of the country.

It won’t be an easy fix and I think it’s going to also require help from the outside. It’s probably going to take decades also to fix what’s it took decades to create.

I appreciated hearing the perspective of someone in the middle of it because it’s tough to get doses of reality sometimes while living in Orange County.

Kinja'd!!! xyzabc > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 18:35


“I’ll tell you what. We’ll tell Fred you were doing a great job taking care of his car, but you parked it out back last night and in the morning, it was gone. We report it to the police, D-Day takes care of the wreck, the insurance company buys your brother a new car.”


!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!

Kinja'd!!! IHWIP > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 19:39



Kinja'd!!! MikeA > 190octane
01/30/2017 at 19:47



Trump did it.. Unreal how people blame bad behavior on whatever they want to, instead of on the people who are behaving badly. And then will complain how unfair it is when people who behave badly are placed in prisons..

Kinja'd!!! Spasoje > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 20:41


Fantastic post, dude! Looks like a very real account of what Detroit is actually like right now, w/o filter. Glad you wrote this up.

Kinja'd!!! marc1220 > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 20:47


This shows you that Robocop was not Paul Veerhoven’s coked out fantasy.

Kinja'd!!! 190octane > MikeA
01/30/2017 at 20:51


Just out of curiosity, what is your background? Suburbs, good schools, economically stable household? Why do you suppose these people turn to a life of crime and place so little value on their own lives and the lives of others? I’m sure that you and I probably have different views on why that is.

There are still people alive who legally couldn’t drink at the same water fountains or use the same restrooms as others because of the color of their skin. You don’t think that still has an effect today?

Actually, I’m sure that you don’t think it does because if you actually considered it you would’ve understood the point I was making.

Kinja'd!!! Yup-I-am-that-girl > Soitseems
01/30/2017 at 21:28


It’s not a competition. The point is that so much crime is thinly veiled by “revival” in a very small section of Detroit. It’s all lipstick on a pig, paint on rotting walls . . . humans being crappy to other humans and getting away with it. I’m sure St. Louis is rough, too. I hope that you don’t get carjacked there. I hope no one does ANYWHERE. The reality is harsh in many places. Josh is simply sharing his story and a much larger story, as well. If a crime happens to you, I hope that more people sympathize with your story and support you, rather than tell you to “get a fucking grip.” That’s just heartless. Best wishes to you on becoming a better human.

Kinja'd!!! Dixon-Mason > 190octane
01/30/2017 at 21:49


Absolutely. Watch animals collect, store, and swipe each others’ resources and you’ll get a better understanding of human behavior. Humans obtain needed resources just like they do, and like fauna, sometimes there’s injury and death. We all need to strive to be above it, but it’s absurd to think that humans can create need and inequality without those harmed by it reacting.

Kinja'd!!! No more politics please > 190octane
01/30/2017 at 22:01


“it’s going to require a complete shift of perspective from a large part of the country.”

You lost me there. I have never set foot in Detroit. There is nothing I can, or want to, do.

Kinja'd!!! No more politics please > 190octane
01/30/2017 at 22:01


“it’s going to require a complete shift of perspective from a large part of the country.”

Kinja'd!!! 190octane > Dixon-Mason
01/30/2017 at 22:17


Is your main point that if you take the action of stripping people of their humanity that you shouldn’t be surprised when you get an equal and opposite primal reaction back?

Kinja'd!!! Insert Edgy Username Here > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 22:17


That’s actually kind of cool. Like a post-apocalyptic rat rod. A chopped and patina’d 1954 Olds for the late 2060's instead of the late 2010's. I’m surprised the “take a desirable muscle car or tuner from the last decade and make it look like a cheap old beater” movement isn’t a thing.

Kinja'd!!! shop-teacher > Josh Welton
01/30/2017 at 22:25


Wow. I cannot imagine finding your entire livelihood ripped away from you. I’m truly sorry for your loss. This was a very well written, and eye-opening article. I wish you the best in recovering from such a huge punch in the gut ... that really doesn’t communicate what I know that must have felt like, I just don’t know the words for it.

Kinja'd!!! Obruni > themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles
01/30/2017 at 23:36


a buddy of mine has been street parking his Audi TT in Detroit for a couple of years now, no issues. Weird.

Kinja'd!!! Blondude > TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts.
01/30/2017 at 23:51


How can you mention carjacking in South Africa and not bring up the Blaster?

Kinja'd!!! Sjubbdubb > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 02:15


Thanks for posting, thanks for fighting! This is one of the few internet published pieces I know I’m going to remember forever. Dystopian stuff, please survive and follow up.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 02:27



Metro Detroit area native here. My deepest condolences for what you’ve had to go through. I won’t disagree with your analysis and opinion. My dad had his Chevy Celebrity stolen decades ago when he lived downtown, and my mum opened a second store in Midtown last year, and it’s because of that store that I’ve finally decided to explore Detroit on my own and see what the city has to offer. I especially love Corktown.

I see improvement in some areas but it’s nowhere near the comeback that the city and news advertises all the time it seems. It doesn’t appear or feel as bad as the days of Kwame when I was in grade school, and it’s a long ways away from being a truly great city like it once was decades ago, but I remain hopeful that it’ll one day reach that point. And I hope I live long enough to see that day.

I hope you don’t move too far away from the area, as I’d like to have some kinda Michigan Oppo get together some time when the weathers nice.

Again, my condolences and all the best for your future endeavors.

Kinja'd!!! citizennick > RyanFrew
01/31/2017 at 04:05


Sadly I don’t see this getting shared to Jalopnik. But this story has received so much traction that maybe it can be our new Blackbird.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
01/31/2017 at 08:09


What’s the store in Midtown? My wife and I still frequent there. I love that I’ve been able to do all my Christmas shopping in the city the last two years.

I think we’ll move north of the suburbs.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > Sjubbdubb
01/31/2017 at 08:09


I appreciate it.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > shop-teacher
01/31/2017 at 08:10


Thank you.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > Insert Edgy Username Here
01/31/2017 at 08:12


I was considering buying back the shell to do a long travel mad max style urban brawler but have too much going on. My Buick build was put on hold when the asshole building it got evicted without telling anyone, so that’s one more thing I’ve been dealing with.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > Spasoje
01/31/2017 at 08:13


Thank you for reading it!

Kinja'd!!! Doodleandie > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 08:19


I grew up in Detroit, born just before ‘67 riots. I know the push/pull of the city well. And, the push is really big as Detroit has a way of ushering you to the door. No apologies. No thanks for being here. Just a, get the hell out. And I did. But I’ve always stayed connected, on my terms, using skills I learned to survive (and the no stopping at red lights is just one of those skills, finely honed) that kick in immediately even in areas deemed “safe”, I’m always aware.

My friends ask me often, are you going to take the real estate bite and reinvest in Detroit and I always say no. My suburban raised friends think I’m the ultimate city girl and can’t figure out why I wouldn’t want a piece of the “revitalization”. Your article sums up every reason why I wouldn’t. I know Detroit too well and maybe I’m a pessimist, but fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I’m more comfortable as a visitor and that’s how I’ll stay.

I won’t fault you if you leave, but more than anything I get why you stay. All my best to you.

Kinja'd!!! TheBloody, Oppositelock lives on in our shitposts. > Blondude
01/31/2017 at 09:16


It was outlawed as soon as it came out unfortunately. I think there would be less of a hijacking issue if a few of those fuckers were torched.

Kinja'd!!! Julia Howe > themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles
01/31/2017 at 09:34


“whoever survives will get away with murder”

time to set up some baitcars with boobytraps. blow up the thieves.

Kinja'd!!! K-Roll-PorscheTamer > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 09:35


She owns Artloft. The main store is in Birmingham. The Midtown location is skipping stones distance away from Slows to Go.

Kinja'd!!! AndyBallsack > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 09:35


Damn, I’m from Lansing and have been living in the Metro Detroit area the past 3 years. During that time I’ve been eyeing places to live in the city but this makes me think twice.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > K-Roll-PorscheTamer
01/31/2017 at 09:40


Right on.

Kinja'd!!! themanwithsauce - has as many vehicles as job titles > Julia Howe
01/31/2017 at 09:59


There will be plenty more where they came from.

Kinja'd!!! busters > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 10:35


Open a gofundme page and we’ll get y

Kinja'd!!! busters > busters
01/31/2017 at 10:35


Get you back on your feet

Kinja'd!!! BigDaddyShimmy > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 10:39


Good read thanks for sharing.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > fintail
01/31/2017 at 11:03


I’m trying to figure out why, of all the pieces I’ve had posted to Jalopnik, they didn’t share this one...

Kinja'd!!! fintail > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 11:09


The editors don’t like competition.

I’m only half-joking.

Kinja'd!!! Meatcoma > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 11:29


One of the few posts I’ve bothered to read in it’s entirety. Very good read.

Kinja'd!!! Josh > Insert Edgy Username Here
01/31/2017 at 11:58


ah sorry, was on my phone and didn’t realize you were referring to the neon. Yeah, it most definitely has that vibe! I’m glad I had it in my back pocket.

Kinja'd!!! SpecedOut > CB
01/31/2017 at 12:24


The 45/100k really stood out to me, too. The nationally-maligned Chicago was still only a little higher than half that rate last year, in a year that saw the highest homicide level the city has seen since the mid 90's.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > Meatcoma
01/31/2017 at 12:30


Thank you.

Kinja'd!!! Madison Rods > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 13:35


I have followed you for quite a while now and love your work. It is soooo sad that you have had to endure all of this physical and emotional pain. Good luck to you and your wife. I hope to see you reappear with your new life that you will start next.

Kinja'd!!! WalkingContridiction > Nothing
01/31/2017 at 13:41


The thing is though once you venture far enough outside the actual Detroit city limits there are plenty of normal, safe, boring suburbs. It isn’t all a post apocalyptic wasteland. I wouldn’t hesistate ot live in many of the burbs. The city itself, as Josh clearly demonstrated, is another story though.

Kinja'd!!! Autumn7788 > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 13:53


Wow. I’m also a Rust Belt resident, raised in Youngstown and now living in Cleveland. The parallels here are terrifying. Especially the “positive thinking” camp and how bringing up facts has become controversial. We have the exact same problem. The people who orchestrate and support the slick and highly publicized, but unsustainable and fruitless, attempts to revitalize Cleveland are the people who don’t actually live here. They all live in the far flung suburbs. Maybe they have an investment here, but they only stand to lose money. Not their lives.

They are also the first people to shut down actual Clevelanders by calling them negative when they try to openly discuss the problems here. Positivity to them means substituting critical thinking and meaning with marketing catchphrases. They are much more concerned with how our image looks than the realities of living in Cleveland, because they don’t live in Cleveland. They just want to be associated with an edgy, somewhat dangerous, somewhat controversial, supposedly up and coming city. They don’t actually want to be an edgy outcast, or in danger, or deal with the mess of controversy, or trudge through the muck on the rise upward; they just want people outside the city to think they did. “I liked Cleveland before it was cool, so there!”

If called out on that, they fall back on the, “Well what did you expect?! You live in Cleveland!” attitude. As if, A. They actually know what it is like to live in the city and B. Like it’s your fault you are here, which is easy to assume if you’ve never been caught in the quicksand that is the ghetto (getting out can be financially impossible in many situations).

I think the breaking point I hit was when I got into a heated argument with a professor of mine who was raised and still lives almost an hour outside of the city. He was defending the world’s largest gold (colored >.>) chandelier that Cleveland installed outdoors over the streets of Playhouse Square shortly after the city cut about half of all the police officers and fire fighters. Yeah. If you’re thinking that sounds tacky on a level that is staggering, you would be correct. And yes, it is full of pigeon poop, spitballs, baby shoes, and everything else people can throw up there.

But that was the day I realized it isn’t “Cleveland Against the World!” as it says on our many $35+ tee shirts. It was really “Cleveland Against Cleveland”. We Clevelanders are desperately fighting our own ignorance and ego to make this city rise again. Maybe we’ll win our battle against... ourselves. Maybe we won’t. But I don’t blame anyone for a second who is able to get out, and chooses to leave.

I love Cleveland because the residents who don’t mug you and the cops who don’t shoot unarmed children are amazing, funny, resilient, salt of the earth people. The rust belt made me who I am today and I feel like I can survive just about any difficult situation or rough edged city. I’m extremely grateful to the people who have the fortitude and the drive to genuinely improve this city for the people who live here. But at some point, I want to stop just trying to survive so I can really start living. I’m afraid I will waste my youth here, trying to prove people wrong. I’m also equally afraid of settling down and raising a family here, potentially setting them up for entrapment and failure in a struggling city.

As soon as I can, I’m moving on. Maybe I’ll come back some day, I feel like a lot (If not most) Clevelanders do at some point. But for my own sanity, I want to leave. God bless anyone who wants to live here, there are MANY valid reasons to want to move here and many ways to feel safe and at home here. Those reasons and ways aren’t not available to everyone, but if they are available to you, good on ya. Population is absolutely necessary in order to rebuild our infrastructure but like you said, people shouldn’t be buffaloed into moving to a city. They should go into the situation with all of the facts. The good and the ugly.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > Madison Rods
01/31/2017 at 14:05


Thanks man, those words mean a lot.

Kinja'd!!! Josh Welton > Autumn7788
01/31/2017 at 14:16


Thanks for the well written and thought out response. I’ve spent a very little time in Cleveland and despite me having to talk shit about Ohio because well, Ohio, I enjoy it. A few of my really good friends are from their, or the area I should say. The best man at my wedding was from Strongsville.

I remember talking to him about Cleveland and yeah, I think there are a lot of parallels. I think there are a few urban areas that have had similar dystopian realities creep in, grab hold, and not let go.

I want to stay, as does my wife. I feel like if anything happens to her now though, it’s on me. Fool me once. Fool me three times. Frustrating as hell.

I had one guy who probably didn’t get past the first paragraph say it was “propaganda against the poor.” I hope to God nobody who read the entire piece really believes that. The majority of residents are good people “stuck,” as you put it. I’ve talked to so many of them who just don’t have a voice. I’m not delusional, I don’t think I’ll make a difference, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t say anything.

I hope the future treats you and your city well.

Kinja'd!!! WalkingContridiction > Canadian
01/31/2017 at 16:32


I was hanging out with Redline Motorsport Car Club and some of the Xeedspeed events back in 02 and 03 and I’m surprised theft wasn’t worse back then honestly. There were some pretty well built imports back then (S2000, a couple of DSMs, etc.) in the club but they also lived in the burbs so I suppose they weren’t targeted as much. I lived out in Madison Heights when I interned for the summer too so I’m sure my 3rd Gen Prelude didn’t attract much attention there either.

I thought about going to CCS but the admissions office fucked that one up royally! LOL They told us to “take the service drive by 94" which was Edsel Ford Service Drive and we of course got screwed up and took a wrong turn or 2 when my Mom and I got off the freeway and we were frantically trying to get back on. The streets looked like the abandoned remains of the 60's riots and we freaked out about that. Finally figured out our bearings and got over to the college but by that point we were so frazzled that my thought was there’s no fucking way I’m living there! I was asking questions like “Is it safe to park my car in the garage here without it getting stolen?” and “Are there safe places nearby to get grocerries, etc?” This was the first time a white boy from a town of 4,500 people in the UP visited Detroit and it did NOT go well!

Kinja'd!!! Saabster > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 17:35


This was an excellent piece, and I’m sorry for your losses. Makes me thankful for living on the (way, way, way overpriced) north side of Chicago where I can make it home half-drunk from my part-time bar gig on Thursday and Saturday nights (to supplement the pathetic salary my otherwise great non-profit job provides) without worrying about getting robbed along the way. Still the Midwest, but it comes with its own price.

Stay up, man. Thinking about moving back to my hometown of Milwaukee and checking out life there instead.

Kinja'd!!! Boosted2k - I Make Videos and Put Them on YouTube > Josh Welton
01/31/2017 at 18:06


Man that is crazy! I took the time to read the whole thing as I had no idea it was that bad!

Sounds like you have a wise plan to get out. Better to be safe than try to stand up for what is right (when it comes to life or death).

Get outta there man...

Kinja'd!!! Canadian > WalkingContridiction
02/01/2017 at 10:00


Nobody cared about Honduh’s back in that time.. It wasn’t until 06sih that the thieves showed up and ruined everything. I remember driving my ITR any where and everywhere back then with out fear.

<-Was a Redline Motorsports back in 01.. :)

Kinja'd!!! WalkingContridiction > Canadian
02/01/2017 at 11:04


Crazy that it kind of “peaked” that late then. Although I will say that at the time it got worse in Chicago when I was living there too. I wanted to pick up a an EG3 or a GSR in the worst way but I was afraid of it getting stolen. Then I ran the insurance quote for one. It would have cost me $120 a month for full coverage for even a 4 door LS Integra (I wanted to do an LS/Vtec build) and for comparison I priced out insurance for a WS6 Formula Firebird and it came in at $110! That was pretty much the turning point for me. Not only was it likely to get stolen, but it was going to cost too much to insure. I basically “switched teams” to VW and I’ve been driving them since.

What did you drive circa 01? I was around in the summer of 02 and 03 mostly. I had a midnight blue 3rd Gen Prelude.

Kinja'd!!! Canadian > WalkingContridiction
02/01/2017 at 11:17


I am thinking since everyone gets a discount on the homegrown cars, those car were popular, thus the Honduh thing took awhile to catch on.

Chicago was bad back then and bad now..

I was driving the white ITR from 01-08